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Individual Walking Tours – Self Guided

Step back in time as you walk between mountains and sea through a landscape untouched by time. National Geographic named the trail as one of the “holy grails of hikes”…

Some of our highlights:

  • The Israel National Trail (Hebrew – Shvil Israel) is a hiking trail that runs from Kibbutz Dan in the Upper Galilee all the way south down to Eilat.
  • The trail is approximately 680 miles long and provides an in-depth insight into past and present Israeli culture and different landscapes
  • The trail can be divided into smaller sections that can be hiked separately. Some sections can be completed in day trips or over the weekend. By doing this you can enjoy overnights and some pampering even at places nearby.
  • Using an advanced GPS navigation system that is very simple to operate, you can go on trails with confidence and ease. The same device will provide you with detailed documentation enabling you to get the most from your experience and acting as your guide as you explore. We will provide a detailed explanation on how to use the GPS system along with additional information on the trail.
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