
  • Location: Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria
  • Date of birth: 14 May, 1948 (77 years old in 2025)
  • Population – almost 10 million: Jewish (74%), Arab (21%), rest (5%)
  • Length: ~500 KM from the northernmost town (Metula) to the southernmost city (Eilat).
  • Israel was founded as the homeland of the Jewish people, and operates according to the Jewish Calendar
  • Jerusalem – capital and biggest city, Tel Aviv – 2nd, Haifa – 3rd - all mixed cities
  • Language: Hebrew (main and official language), Arabic (special status), English most commonly used foreign language
  • Four seas: Mediterranean Sea on the west, Red Sea in the south, Sea of Galilee in the North East, Dead Sea in the South East
  • Two active ports – Haifa and Ashdod
  • Four border crossings: three with Jordan, one with Egypt
  • Climate - Mediterranean, mostly nice and sunny, very hot summers, mild winters.
  • Currently: New Israeli Shekel (ILS / NIS)
  • Time zone: UTC + 2:00
  • Saturday / Shabbat = holy day, day of rest

Did you know?

90% percent of Israeli homes use solar energy for heating water. This is the highest percentage in the world.

  • The Dead Sea is the lowest point in the world.
  • The Mount of Olives is the world’s oldest cemetery.
  • Israel is the center for bird migration. Over 500 million birds fly to and from Israel twice a year.
  • Israeli inventions that have changed the world including: anti-virus software, disk-on-key, voice-over-protocol, cherry tomatoes, drip irrigation, PillCam (aka capsule endoscopy), Mobile Eye and many more.
  • With over 230 museums, Israel has the highest number of museums per capita in the world.


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